This was an image I created for a photography module in my first year of uni. We all had to pick three themes - one of mine was augmented photography (idk what it's actually called) where I'd modify images in blender, export as an exr and colour grade through davinci resolve, since it has excellent open exr support.
To add the balls into the scene I simply projected the image onto geometry I recreated in blender. From there it was a case of matching the lighting conditions using an hdr to the original shot - I found a nice alleyway with overcast sky on polyhaven for this. Once this process of matching the orignal conditions was met I was able to create a simple UV sphere and add an adaptive subdivision, put the roughness to 0.1 and the metallic up to 1. Then I rendered the image at 512 samples in the OpenEXR format allowing me to take it to Davinci Resolve fo colour grading and then Photoshop for minor Adjustments.
To add the balls into the scene I simply projected the image onto geometry I recreated in blender. From there it was a case of matching the lighting conditions using an hdr to the original shot - I found a nice alleyway with overcast sky on polyhaven for this. Once this process of matching the orignal conditions was met I was able to create a simple UV sphere and add an adaptive subdivision, put the roughness to 0.1 and the metallic up to 1. Then I rendered the image at 512 samples in the OpenEXR format allowing me to take it to Davinci Resolve fo colour grading and then Photoshop for minor Adjustments.