This one is a little bit more interesting. I took a a photoscan of all the junk on my shelves which I then placed against the wall, deleting the shelf around the items. Then I created simple geomtry for new shelves, making sure to bevel the edges for realism.
The LED lights are a curve converted to a mesh and extruded - In later versions I made a procedural texture using a voronoi which plugged into the emission strength but in the one for this render they are solid meshes shrinkwapped to the coil.
The posters are given a crumpled look with the help of pinning the corner vertices and then applying a cloth sim. After the cloth sim I used the cloth sim brush to add some more creased.
The sticky notes are all from one texture which I made in photoshop, using my actual handwriting with a drawing tablet. I then made one sticky note and duplicated it randomly and moving the UVs about.
The photo collage is just a plane with modified geometry to take into account pictures hanging off the side. I used photoshop to make all the images black and the white bits stay white to use as a roughness mask so the images have a slight shine.

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